2023 in Georgia

17 August 2024

With the rennovated lake house finishing up over the summer, I spent quite a bit of time in Georgia in 2023.

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2023 in Arizona

16 August 2024

I spent a lot of time in Arizona over the course of 2023. It was a place of adventure, new beginnings, creativity, and nature.

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2023 Travels

16 August 2024

During 2023 I got back to traveling. Among others I went to West Palm Beach, Ithaca, San Diego, Park City, Seattle, and Joshua Tree.

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2023 in NYC

13 February 2024

This year was better than I could have dreamed. It didn’t start out that way, though.

The anxiety that I’ve lived with for most of my life became unmanageable and I decided that I wanted to get it under control. That meant going on medication, which has changed my life for the better in fairly significant ways. Price flew up to NYC to help me out while I was getting through the first couple of weeks of that journey, which were not easy. I’m beyond grateful for him being there for me, and for the family and friends I leaned quite heavily on during that time.

A new relationship formed shortly afterwards. Emma and I met in August of 2022 at work. More accurately, on a Google Meet video call because she was in Arizona and I was in Georgia at the time. Our adventure of love has been a beautiful experience, one that has taught me so much. And as I wrote in a song for her: all day I could look at your face. (The song is on Apple Music and Spotify).

I’ll be posting a few albums for 2023 but this is the first because NYC was the setting of so many important moments throughout the year.

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23 December 2023

This year was a year of slowly getting back to my normal nomadic habits after a couple of years of staying put.

I spent a lot of time at the lake house, including preparing for the demolition of the old house.

At the end of the summer I spent 3 weeks in Milwaukee visiting Amanda and Ben and Rowan. I also got to meet a friend and coworker, Todd, in person for the first time.

Towards the end of the year I met someone new.

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1 August 2022

After Amsterdam I went to Paris for a few days. It was a quiet time of sightseeing before heading to London.


30 July 2022

After spending the first 14 months of the pandemic in Florida and Georgia, I moved back to NYC in May of 2021. Why? Still not really sure. I have been in and out of the city since 2016 and was feeling the pull again; NYC has a tendency to draw you in once you’ve spent time there. And I was ready to be around more people. Who knows how long I’ll be here this time.

Depression struck after I moved up, but that story is one that’s better told in its own post (I’m okay now). It’s why I don’t really have any pictures from the Summer and only a couple in NYC.

I went to Georgia for Thanksgiving, to hang out with the fam and camp. Then I took two weeks off at the end of December. That time off was the most restorative experience I’d had in a while. I had a very strong creative resurgence as I was coming out of my depression in October; taking time off only pronounced that. I began editing travel videos from my Year Off and I started playing music again. Not to spoil 2022 but so far it has been a deeply satisfying year of making things.

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22 February 2022

On our way back towards Western Europe, we spent a week in Amsterdam.

Prague + Budapest + Vienna

31 January 2022

The first unplanned stop on this trip was Prague. On the advice of someone we talked to in Berlin, we decided to check out both Prague and Budapest. We then stopped in Vienna for a day on our way to Amsterdam.

Germany: Berlin and Thuringia

24 January 2022

After Scandinavia I spent a week in Germany. First in Berlin then around Thuringia.

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